I met an old friend at the beach today. I’ve known him for about 3 years… I don’t see him very often, but he seems to show up exactly when I need him. His name is Barnabas… he’s a seagull with only 1 leg. I named him Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”) after a character in the Bible (Acts 4:36). I live at the Jersey Shore and I first met Barnabas on the beach 3 summers ago when I was hobbling around with painful tendinitis in my knee and neuropathy in both feet. God sent me a disabled seagull as an encouraging reminder of His provision and care for all His creations, including me. “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26) As you watch the video, you might feel pity for poor Barnabas. But keep in mind that he can still fly and catch fish and eat. Like me, Barnabas can’t do everything he WANTS to do, but God empowers him to do everything he NEEDS to do. Recently I’ve been dealing with another painful challenge: plantar fasciitis in both feet, on top of the ongoing neuropathy. And Barnabas providentially showed up again today. There was literally no other bird or human anywhere nearby – yet he flew in and landed right next to ME!!!  (And yes, I’m sure it’s the same seagull because of its size, coloring, and markings – I compared him to pix and videos of previous sightings.) What a relief to know that Barnabas is still alive and doing well. And what a lesson he always teaches me: we have the same Creator, who takes care of his creation… especially those of us who are afflicted. If that’s you, I hope the “son of encouragement” has lifted your spirit as well. “God’s grace is sufficient, His power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9). Thank you, Lord, for sending Barnabas where he was needed today. If creation still obeys You, so will I…